Large project, multiple vendors, receiving a lot of variable quality mats?
Problem: You have a large project; you’ll need multiple vendors. How can you assure yourself that you receive a similar mat from each vendor?
General Solution: World Forest Group’s mats include specifications in excess of length/width/thickness dimension. In your product specification use World Forest Group’s mat specifications modified for your real-world situation.
Real World Problem: A large project owner needs to use multiple vendors to assure mat supply and on-time completion. However, mat quality and species varies significantly between vendors and geographic fiber supply.
Real World Solution: Project owner specifies not only dimension, for example, 18’x8”x4’ mats, but – to the extent possible – other specifications taken from World Forest Group’s standard mat guarantee.
- Single Eucalyptus species.
- End sealant.
- End caps.
- Substantially no wane.
- No rot, no bark.
- Square edges.
- ASTM F1554 or better bolts.
- Plantation sourced sustainable supply.
- Bug treatment compliant with Federal USDA regulations.
- Quality Control Bar Code
Unintended Consequences:
- A single Eucalyptus species reduces quality risk. Most North American producers can’t guarantee a single species, but project owners can specify species to avoid(e.g.light weight species) as well as to favor (e.g.,oak)
- Square edges means that the project owner gets more fiber in their mat, contributing to a more reliable, better, safer, and lower-cost operating environment.
- Bug treatment prior to shipping reduces project regulatory risk.